In only 15 minutes a day, we can completely change our mindset. We can learn new skills, open ourselves up to new possibilities, let go of our fears and yes, even dare to dream.
When I had my big a-ha moment, I knew something had to change. “If you want something different, you have to do something different.” And I wanted something different and knew something had to change. So I picked up my first personal development book book and started reading, or rather, I downloaded it via Audible began to listen as I scrubbed carpets and prepared for our landlord’s annual inspection.
And yes, I get it. It can seem hard to find the time to read when we’re so busy. But, you know what? If we take a good look at our day, there’s often something we’re giving a higher priority, such as our favorite TV shows, scrolling our fav social media platforms, etc. If we can take 10-15 minutes of that time and invest it in ourselves, that simple time swap can be life-changing.
Sometimes, we really are that busy. I work with a woman who manages a corporate office, has two young children and a host of other things on her plate, so she makes the time by listening to personal development while she’s driving in the car. Where there is a will there is a way.
The fact is that when we are intentional with making our growth and our mindset a priority, over time we’ll begin to see change manifested not only in our attitude and mindset, but also in the way we perceive those around us, the way we lead, our level of confidence, all of it.
If you don’t know where to begin, you can start with my book, Let Go of the Fear: Powerful Stories and Lessons on How to Live a Bold and Fearless Life or simply download my free life-changing book list and start with one of the books on the list that helped in my own growth and development.
The key is. GET STARTED. Regardless of which book you choose. Find one that fits the area you need the most growth and just DO it.
Are you willing to swap 15 minutes a day for a whole new outlook on life? Don’t wait! Start reading your first book today and don’t forget to share it with me! I’d love to hear your insights, lessons and takeaways!